In this post, I would like to share a walkthrough of the Late Machine from Hack the Box

This room will be considered an Easy machine on Hack The box

What will you gain from the Late machine?

For the user flag, you will need to abuse the flask application using a common attack which is the SSTI method

As for the root flag, you need to abuse the ssh file to get root ssh shell.

Information Gathering on Late Machine

Once we have started the VPN connection which requires a download from Hackthebox, we can start information gathering on the machine by executing the command nmap -sC -sV -p- <IP Address> -PN


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Let’s access the website interface

A picture containing text, indoor, monitor, electronics

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There’s nothing that we can see on the website interface.

As a result, let’s enumerate the website using gobuster


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From the gobuster result, we didn’t find anything interesting. Therefore, let’s analyze more on the website interface in case we miss anything useful

Graphical user interface, text, application

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I have noticed that there’s a link that we can click, and it directs us to a subdomain of the website

Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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It will look something like the screenshot above

Flask Vulnerability

Graphical user interface, text, application

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The first thing that came to my mind when see flask is SSTI attack method where i found the payload here

Let’s convert the ssti attack into text format and take a screenshot on our machine

A screenshot of a computer

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It worked!

Let’s throw an SSTI payload that will read the file inside the machine


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At last, we got the SSTI worked for us

Therefore, let’s change the payload and include the curl command so that it can retrieve the shell file on our machine

The shell file will look something as shown above


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From the looking of it, it works!

A screenshot of a computer

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Finally, we got a reverse shell connection back to us.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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We can read the user flag by executing the command “cat user.txt

Getting SSH private key

Graphical user interface, text

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In order to get a proper connection on the machine, let’s retrieve the ssh private key

Graphical user interface, text

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Graphical user interface, text

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We can download easier by using pwncat tool

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We are required to give permission to the id_rsa file

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message

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At last, we can access the machine using the ssh service.

Escalate to Root Privileges Access on Late Machine

Graphical user interface

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Graphical user interface

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We can run ps aux to see any interesting proceed that has been running in the background. Luckily for us, we managed to see a certain file been run as root such as /usr/local/sbin/


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Let’s execute the command above to get root access via the ssh service

A screenshot of a computer

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Graphical user interface, text

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Let’s access via ssh service again and surprise, we managed to get bash system

A screenshot of a video game

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We need to execute the command bash -p to become a root user


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We can read the root flag by executing the command “cat /root/root.txt

Extra Information

A screenshot of a computer

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