In this post, I would like to share my experience and walkthrough of Jeff Room.
Overall, I have taken a few days just to complete this machine and it’s a HARD machine to play with.
Let’s Start!
We need to deploy the machine for us to play with the machine.
Once the machine is fully up within 5 minutes, we can start the information gathering on the machine by executing the command nmap -sC -sV <IP Address> -PN
Information Gathering in Jeff room
From the Nmap result, I found out that the following port is open:
- 22: OpenSSH 7.6.1p1
- 80: nginx
From my experience, we need to add the IP and domain within the /etc/hosts
Let’s check what is stored inside the website.
The website looks pretty plain with the link is cannot function at all.
Let’s start to enumerate the website by executing the command dirb jeff.thm and hope that we found something useful.
Oh wow! We got /backups/ directory and i can assume that there will a file on this backups directory. I will do a random guess that is saved in this directory. Hope my guess is correct!
Let’s see the backup file and see what is stored inside. However, the file has been protected by a password.
Let’s get the password by using the command fcrackzip -v -u -D -p /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt
Playing with fcrackzip on Jeff room
Now, you can unzip the backup file using the password that we got from the output above.
We got a password for the WordPress login access. My bet would be that WordPress is included in the domain of the machine such as wordpress.jeff.thm
And cross our fingers that we got the WordPress page
Enumerate the WordPress Page
We got it! What a guess! We should be able to access wp-admin in order for us to login into WordPress with the credentials below:
- User: jeff
- Password: <The same password that we found in wpadmin.bak>
Next, we need to copy-paste the PHP reverse shell on the 404.php configuration of the WordPress themes
We can change the IP address and port, and we can click the Update File Button for it to be edited successfully.
Before we access the link on the browser, we need to start the listening port in the order to return to us. If not, it will appear something like below
We can refresh the browser if you have access to the website without starting the listening
Reverse Shell on the machine
We have successfully accessed the server via www-data privileges access.
Let’s read the ftp_backup.php file that is stored in /var/www/html. I found out the Host IP, Username and Password where we will use that information inside a python script.
Disclaimer: I didn’t own the Python Script above. I found the script by doing some research on the internet
Once we have filled up the information on the Python Script, we can transfer the file to the target’s machine just like follows:
After we have completed getting the file on the machine, we need to change the permission of the file to executable by running the command chmod +x <filename>.py
Before we can execute the files, we need to start listening as normal.
Now, we can execute the Python Script and it might take some minutes to fully return back to us
While waiting for the shell to come back to us, let’s have a coffee. Normally, it will take a minute if everything been executed perfectly.
We got the access as backupmgr user privileges and let’s check the user.txt whether we can already read the file by going to /home/jeff
Sadly, we cannot read the file because the permission is denied. Let’s go and get permission to read the user.txt
We found systool has been stored in /opt/systools/ directory but we also see one file called message.txt. I’m curious about what is written inside the file.
Playing with systool
So, let’s restore back the backup file that might store in /var/backups directory.
We will need to delete message.txt in this directory and I will talk about it later on.
After we have deleted the message.txt, we need to access the backup by going to /var/backups
I found jeff.bak stored here and let’s access /opt/systools directory and execute the following command
ln -s /var/backups/jeff.bak message.txt
Let’s run ./systool command and key-in number 3 after entering the number 2
The password shown above has been assigned for jeff’s user privileges. However, you need to enter the command below in order to use the “su” command
python3 -c ‘import pty: pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
Now, we access the server via jeff’s credentials. Let’s try again to read the user.txt
We need to decode the md5 hash for us to gain the actual user flag
Let’s check if we are able to escalate user jeff can access to the root
I found that crontab is running for jeff and we need to run the command sudo crontab -e and we see the interface as shown in the screenshot below
We need to key-in :!/bin/sh when we see the interface at first sight. For us to get the terminal look, we need to use bash -i
We are in the machine as root and we can access to /root/ directory to read the root flag
Happy Learning Guys!
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