In this post, I would like to share a walkthrough of the Sekhmet Machine from Hack the Box
This room will be considered an Insane machine on Hack the Box
- What will you gain from the Sekhmet machine?
- Information Gathering on Sekhmet Machine
- Bypass the ModSecurity by using the nodejsshell on the machine
- Analyze the backup file to escalate the access on the Sekhmet machine
- Cracking the hashes via bkcrack tool on Sekhmet Machine
- SSH to the machine via ray.duncan@windcorp.htb Access
- Escalate to Root Privileges Access on Sekhmet Machine
- Playing around with proxychains tool on Sekhmet Machine
- Another tool to play such as the LDAP package
- AMSI and AppLocker bypass
- LDAP enumeration with RCE on the Sekhmet machine
- Privileges Escalation as scriptrunner
- Privileges Escalation via Bob.Wood
- Privileges Escalation via bob.woodadm access
What will you gain from the Sekhmet machine?
For the user flag, you will need to abuse the ExpressJS website which has been vulnerable to a deserialization attack. I will need to bypass the ModSecurity website application firewall to obtain an execution. By default, i will get a backup archive and break the encryption using the bkcrack tool which leads us to get a root environment on VM. I also use the proxychains to access the share and also use the LDAP enumeration which we get a mobile attribute for the user in the Active Directory environment. We also need to bypass the AMSI and Applocker to obtain a reverse shell on Windows Machine.
As for the root flag, you only need to jump a few access which it will lead to Administrator access by getting the administrator’s password in the excel file
Information Gathering on Sekhmet Machine
Once we have started the VPN connection which requires a download from Hackthebox, we can start the information gathering on the machine by executing the command nmap -sC -sV -p- <IP Address> -PN
└──╼ $nmap -sC -sV -Pn
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2023-03-27 00:30 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.26s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.4p1 Debian 5+deb11u1 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 3072 8c:71:55:df:97:27:5e:d5:37:5a:8d:e2:92:3b:f3:6e (RSA)
| 256 b2:32:f5:88:9b:fb:58:fa:35:b0:71:0c:9a:bd:3c:ef (ECDSA)
|_ 256 eb:73:c0:93:6e:40:c8:f6:b0:a8:28:93:7d:18:47:4c (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 35.90 second
Therefore, let’s access the website interface
└──╼ $curl
<h2>Nothing to see here, move along.</h2>
Aside from that, we can try to curl the IP Address and i managed to obtain the domain from there.
However, we didn’t see anything useful on the website itself
Sadly, it’s the same with the gobuster
Nothing has been found within the burpsuite at all
I did try to enumerate the subdomain by using gobuster but i didn’t manage to get anything from it.
However, i managed to retrieve a subdomain after a few days from the first enumerates being executed.
Let’s access the subdomain and it has redirected to a login page.
We managed to access the windcorp dashboard via default credentials such as admin:admin
Sadly, the website is still in the “Under construction”
Therefore, let’s analyze the packet via Burpsuite. I manage to notice there is one cookie that looks like a jwt token
I managed to sight a jwt token decoded as shown above.
Bypass the ModSecurity by using the nodejsshell on the machine
As a result, we should be using the as shown above and we managed to obtain an encoding string from the character code.
I should copy and paste the jwt token on the packet on Burpsuite
The nc connection that returns to us shows it’s a Linux server, but we all know that the creator said it’s a Windows Machine
Analyze the backup file to escalate the access on the Sekhmet machine
Therefore, let’s use pwncat-cs to retrieve a reverse shell connection back to us
As shown in the screenshot above, we managed to see one zip file which looks backup,zip which might be useful to us in analyzing the process.
Sadly, we cannot unzip the because we don’t have a password
Cracking the hashes via bkcrack tool on Sekhmet Machine
As a result, let’s upload the bkcrack file into the victim’s machine
After a while, let’s copy the /etc/passwd on the victim’s machine and zip the password with file passwd
Let’s give execution permission to the bkcrack file so that we can work with it in the next stage.
We should be able to execute the command above to obtain the code key with reset the password for the this way.
By default, we should be able to execute the bkcrack with the code that we found earlier.
Boom! At last, we can finally unzip the with the password that we reset earlier.
After i have analyzed the directory and file from the, we managed to find a location that we can investigate further.
After a while, we managed to retrieve the potential username and hashes which we can crack with hashcat later.
Aside from that, we also managed to obtain another subdomain which is hope.windcorp.htb
We managed to obtain the ray.duncan hashes
At last, we managed to obtain a password for the user
SSH to the machine via ray.duncan@windcorp.htb Access
We managed to access the machine via SSH service
Therefore, we can use the command above to change to root@webserver
From the IP address, we managed to assume that we are inside the docker environment
We can read the user flag by typing the “cat user.txt” command
Escalate to Root Privileges Access on Sekhmet Machine
Let’s enumerate the port that opens to the server.
The output should look like shown in the screenshot above.
On the Attacker’s machine:
On the Victim’s machine:
If the port forwarding is a success, it should look something shown above.
Playing around with proxychains tool on Sekhmet Machine
Boom! We managed to link our attacker’s machine with the victim’s machine
By default, we can create the ticket
As a result, we can export the ticket
Therefore, we should be executing the smbclient and we cannot get the connection denied which it has been refused.
After a while, we should modify the proxychains.conf which we need to add the configuration line such as socks5 1080
Also, we are required to add the domain into the /etc/hosts file.
Finally, the command works like a charm!
There’s a file on the /temp directory called debug-users.txt
Sadly, we cannot read the file on the SMB service
Inside the file, there have a bunch of names or also clarify it as username
Another tool to play such as the LDAP package
By default, we should be getting information from the ldapsearch command
We managed to obtain a ton of information but what has caught my attention is mobile: 43235345 which i don’t have
My first thought was we should be able to use msfvenom on the machine but sadly, it doesn’t
Let’s execute the ldapmodify on the root machine but we stumble upon a character limitation.
AMSI and AppLocker bypass
This is a Windows Machine that might have some security features that might be preventing the reverse shell from running on the machine itself. We can assume that AppLocker is in use inside the machine which also leads to AMSI might be active on the machine. Therefore, it might be hard to execute a reverse shell on the machine and we should be looking for another alternative to retrieve a reverse shell on the machine.
After having done some research on the Internet, we found those two resources that we can use for this activity
- MinatoTW/CLMBypassBlogpost: This code was used for the blogpost on secjuice. (
- Powershell CLM Bypass Using Runspaces (
For this activity purpose, i will open my Windows with Visual Studio 2022 which is shown in the screenshot above. We should modify the command which sits on LINE 49. For safety purposes, we should be using a single character with the file extension (.ps1)
By default, we can compile the program that we modify by using the command above.
The file should be the same as shown in the screenshot above.
We should start our normal nc as shown above.
Also, we should be starting the python HTTP server
LDAP enumeration with RCE on the Sekhmet machine
Firstly, we should execute some ldif files that we can use as above.
Next, we should be able to upload the file extension of exe into the victim’s machine under c:\windows\debug\wia
As a result, we can update the server by running the ldapmodify
By default, we should be getting the response of d.ps1 should be successfully uploaded into the victim’s machine
It should look something as shown above
We can start the exe file by running the command above.
As a result, we can update the server by running the ldapmodify
On the ps1 file, we should insert the reverse shell on the top of the file
When we see a response like the screenshot above, we should be getting the reverse shell on the machine
Privileges Escalation as scriptrunner
Boom! We have finally accessed the machine via a reverse shell connection
Let’s run the smbserver on the root machine which is something like above
On the windows access, we just need to execute the command “net use \\webserver.windcorp.htb\share“
We should be getting the result as shown in the screenshot above. Therefore, we should be cracking the hashes but i will not share them.
Finally, we got a password for scriptrunner
Let’s execute the command above to escalate to another user on a different reverse shell connection
Privileges Escalation via Bob.Wood
At last, we should be getting a shell on Bob.Wood access
We can analyze the directory and found a file called Login Data
After i investigate the login data file, i notice that there was a username as “bob.woodADM“
I managed to do some research and found an exe file that might be useful for this activity. Therefore, let’s upload the file that can be found here
Let’s move the file into the c:\windows\debug\wia directory
Once the file is already inside the actual directory, let’s execute the file as shown above.
Inside the results/microsoft_edge_default_password.csv file, we manage to retrieve a password for bob.woodADM
As we execute previously, we should be executing a similar command as username and password
Privileges Escalation via bob.woodadm access
Finally, we are accessing the machine as bob.woodadm privileges access
Sadly, there are no root flags on the bob.woodadm’s Desktop location
At last, we managed to find the root flag on Administrator’s Desktop
We can read the root flag by typing the “type root.txt” command
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