In this post, I would like to share a walkthrough of the Agile Machine from Hack the Box
This room will be considered a medium machine on Hack the Box
- What will you gain from the Agile machine?
- Information Gathering on Agile Machine
- Trying the Local File Inclusion on the application
- The intended way to obtain the credentials
- Escalate to Root Privileges Access on Agile machine
- Firefox Plugin with the Port Forwarding
- SSH the Agile machine as Edwards
- Extra Information
What will you gain from the Agile machine?
For the user flag, you will need to abuse a Local File Read (LFR) which we are able to read the source file with the credentials. We are required to execute some port forwarding in which the local website leaks the password by using inspect function on Firefox.
As for the root flag, you only need to abuse the Python virtual environment activation script by modifying the script using sudoedit vulnerability (CVE-2023-22809)
Information Gathering on Agile Machine
Once we have started the VPN connection which requires a download from Hackthebox, we can start the information gathering on the machine by executing the command nmap -sC -sV -p- <IP Address> -PN
Let’s access the website interface
The website interface looks so basic, but I notice there’s a login function on top of the website itself.
Sadly, we don’t have any credentials that we can use over here. However, there is a register button that we can use to register a new account on the website.
Once we have successfully registered, we have been directed to a dashboard or also look as a vault page.
Therefore, we should be trying to test by exporting a piece of empty information and we only got an error saying “No password for user“
We are required to add a password by entering the username and password
We can inspect the packet via burpsuite which will give us the information of the password manager that we keyin earlier.
However, we got a redirecting page when we try to export the information via Burpsuite. I did notice there’s a CSV file that we can try to read or download into our attacker’s machine.s
Sadly, it’s just a CSV file that contains the information that we found earlier.
Trying the Local File Inclusion on the application
Therefore, let’s run some Local File Inclusion attacks on the Burpsuite, and surprisingly the attack works like a charm.
As LFI attack work on the application, let’s run a file that contains the latest running process in the Linux server which means this file is readable by the web server.
Let’s see the context of the latest running process that we found earlier we got a MySQL database credential
Aside from that, we also found a location and a new PHP file that resides inside the server.
import flask
import subprocess
from flask_login import login_required, current_user
from superpass.infrastructure.view_modifiers import response
import as password_service
from import get_random
from import Password
blueprint = flask. Blueprint('vault', name, template_folder='templates')
def vault():
passwords = password_service.get_passwords_for_user(
return {'passwords': passwords}
def add_row():
p = Password()
p.password = get_random(20)
#import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
return {"p": p}
def get_edit_row(id):
password = password_service.get_password_by_id(id,
return {"p": password}
def get_row(id):
password = password_service.get_password_by_id(id,
return {"p": password}'/vault/add_row')
def add_row_post():
r = flask.request
site = r.form.get('url', '').strip()
username = r.form.get('username', '').strip()
password = r.form.get('password', '').strip()
if not (site or username or password):
return ''
p = password_service.add_password(site, username, password,
return flask.render_template('vault/partials/password_row.html', p=p)'/vault/update/')
def update(id):
r = flask.request
site = r.form.get('url', '').strip()
username = r.form.get('username', '').strip()
password = r.form.get('password', '').strip()
if not (site or username or password):
p = password_service.update_password(id, site, username, password)
return {"p": p}
def delete(id):
return ''
def export():
if current_user.has_passwords:
fn = password_service.generate_csv(current_user)
return flask.redirect(f'/download?fn={fn}', 302)
return "No passwords for user"
def download():
r = flask.request
fn = r.args.get('fn')
with open(f'/tmp/{fn}', 'rb') as f:
data =
resp = flask.make_response(data)
resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=superpass_export.csv'
resp.mimetype = 'text/csv'
return resp
The Python file shows the vulnerabilities that we found earlier.
There’s a chance that the credentials would be something as mentioned on row/8
Sadly, the path that i managed to sighted has been patched and we need to find another path to get the credentials.
The intended way to obtain the credentials
We managed to see an error page when trying to download some random file
We are required to enter a PIN code to proceed with the next step.
A serial of the screenshot above shows on the information required to gather and put into the script that we found here
At last, we managed to obtain a PIN code
As a result, we need to enter the PIN code as shown above.
Let’s execute some python reverse shell connection command
Boom! We have successfully a reverse shell connection back to us.
Oh well, we managed to obtain the credentials which we can use for database enumeration
Therefore, let’s access the MySQL database with those credentials that we found earlier.
After a while, we managed retrieve a hash of password and two username that we can use it.
At last, we managed to verify that the credentials can be used on the SSH service
As a result, let’s access the machine via SSH service.
We can read the user flag by typing the “cat user.txt” command
Escalate to Root Privileges Access on Agile machine
As usual, we can find any malicious SUID binary by running the “sudo -l” command
As a result, let’s download the pspy64 into the victim’s machine
While running the pspy64, I notice that there’s a file /app/venv/bin/activate on the machine which we can use and abuse it in the future.
Therefore, let’s download the into the victim’s machine
I notice there’s a –remote-debugging-port that looks suspicious to me.
I managed to verify that port 41829 is open on the machine.
Let’s download the chisel on the machine.
Firefox Plugin with the Port Forwarding
We can port forwarding with firefox by entering the “chrome://inspect/?#devices” and the DevTools page will appear as shown in the screenshot above.
Therefore, we can configure firefox by clicking the Configure button and key-in the URL such as localhost:41829
Once we have successfully configured it, it will look like something as shown above.
I did notice that we managed to obtain a subdomain of http://test.superpass.htb and we also can virtually inspect it by clicking the inspect link
The inspection will look something as shown above.
At last, we managed to retrieve another username as Edwards with his password
SSH the Agile machine as Edwards
Boom! We have successfully accessed it using the Edwards credentials that we found earlier.
As usual, we managed to find a SUID binary by typing the “sudo -l” command
However, those files cannot be accessed as Edwards access.
When i think back, i managed to find one file such as /app/venv/bin/activate
As shown in the screenshot above, /bin/bash is still not a SUID binary at all.
As a result, we can modify the file by adding “chmod u+s /bin/bash” on top of the app/config_test.json
Sadly, the command above has given us permission denied.
It’s the same as /app/venv/bin/activate
I did some experiments on the file and managed to obtain /etc/passwd file that appears using that method
Therefore, let’s do some modifications to the command as above and add “chmod u+s /bin/bash” command on the top of /app/config_test.json file
Finally, the /bin/bash file has turned into a SUID Binary which we can use to obtain a root shell
We can read the root flag by typing the “cat root.txt” command
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